Self Determination Program
In October of 2013, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed into law the Self-Determination Program (SDP), which will provide consumers and their families with more freedom, control, and responsibility in choosing services and supports to help them meet objectives in their Individual Program Plan (DDS, 2021). SDP is available to San Diego Regional Center Clients as of July 2021. For more information send an email to and talk with your Service Coordinator. Click below to attend an orientation, attend the monthly SDP - Local Advisory Meeting and much more information.
HCBS Evaluation for SDP (Enclosure B)
Service Providers: Enclosure B needs to be completed annually. Once completed by the provider on how the participant will be experiencing the services send the copy to the Service Coordinator and your FMS. The Service Coordinator will review and if they are concerned with any element they are able to consult with the Client Participant Specialists or the HCBS Specialist of the regional center. Click on the blue box above to access the Fillable PDF Form.
You will need to download the form, fill it out, save it and then send it back to the Service Coordinator via email.
HCBS-FR 101 - SDP Version
Presented at San Diego's SDP Conference 2022, the speaker focused of the concepts of HCBS-FR, Person-Centered Ideologies, Modifications and how SDP functions with-in HCBS-FR.

Self Determination Program is all about the client's choices, their voice, their independence and their ability to lead their life and services as they feel fit their needs. The Self Advocacy Blog is a great resource of being able to lead YOUR life and to have purpose!
Click on the blog to read through great articles about leading your life with purpose and meanifulness!